Sunday, 24 October 2010


I know I've barely used my sewing machine in the last few months, but that doesn't mean I don't have big plans for it. My list is starting to run a bit long, so I thought I'd list it here (rather than my head) and see if that mobilises me into action!

1. Cushion Cover to match my sister's quilt - for December

2. Midwest Modern Quilt finished - January

3. Place Mats for children x6 - November - I don't have a design yet, but probably something simple, so they can be put in the wash on a daily basis!

4. Denise Schmidt Quilt "Snake Charmer" for eldest son - March or sooner!

5. Castle Peeps Quilt for youngest son - December

There are probably a few more things, that will be added onto this list. I have a friend who is expecting a baby, due on Xmas Day, so they may well get a lovely baby quilt for their newborn.

I need to get some more fabric for the Denise Schmidt quilt, I've been stock piling slowly! With the cushion cover and place mats I'll use fabric from my stash, and I guiltily suspect I already have enough fabric for a baby quilt!

Plus I'm hoping I will get my sewing table very soon as well!

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