I also received another book on quilting. Material Obsession by 2 Australians, Kathy Doughty & Sarah Fielke. They also have their own shop in Australia.
Here are a few pages from the book. I think these quilts lean more towards the traditional, than say Denyse Schmidts book. I prefer more contemporary quilts.
I would consider going a quilt like this, but it's the colour way that doesn't work for me here.
This style of quilt is probably my least favourite. However, i can see the skill and craftsmanship in a work such as this.
This quilt design for me could work well, but in totally different colours and fabrics. (Is anyone seeing a theme here?!!!?)
This is a possibility (again, different colours and fabrics!).
Although this is a lovely book, really good photos and descriptions and instructions of every quilt in the book, it isn't really for me. I definitely prefer more simplistic quilts than the ones in this book. However, they are clearly 2 very talented women, and if you prefer more traditional designs, star shape quilts etc this will probably be to your taste.
I could do with a new shower cap, but I think it's probably cheaper to buy one in Boots! I don't own waterproof fabric.
This is very pretty and feminine, it definitely has that old fashioned charm, but then, a hot water bottle, in a way, is old fashioned, so I think that works well!!!
In one way it is a useful book, as it does have so many patterns in it, a few would probably make quite good presents, but to me there was nothing that stood out as innovative or original. As I haven't got too many sewing books, so many of the patterns I do not have. But I suspect if you are a hoarder of sewing books you may find this repetitive. Everything, of course, is made in Cath Kidston fabrics! (Well that's what it looks like to me!) I think Cath Kidston has a bit of that Marmite thing going for her (you either love her, or hate her), I like her stuff in small doses, I'm not crazy on too much floral. But if you don't have too many sewing books, and want to knock out some homemade gifts, for next Xmas, this could be a useful book to have. Buy it from Amazon, for around £9!
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