Monday 16 August 2010

summer wedding

Well it's been a little while since I last posted. I did not mean to be away for so long. Steve and I have had a few busy weeks, packing lots in to the school summer holidays.

A couple of weeks ago I started a new job, and the children's grandparents took them home for a week. This meant we could attend a dear friend's wedding and stay out late.

For the first time, in a long time, we went to a wedding where we actually live, which was nice. It was held in Due South, on the beach, on a lovely, yet typical, overcast summer's day.

Steve took their wedding photographs as our gift to them, and I was his glamorous assistant! (Although running up and down stairs in 3.5" heels to bring memory cards and tripods is not easy!)

The wedding was great, the bridesmaid's outfits totally rocked, with their summer beach theme.

The groom looked very smart and stylish with a bespoke suit made in Brighton from here.

I have to say, completely unbiased, that Steve has done a terrific job.

The bride and groom are really pleased, and he has been getting loads of great comments from everyone who has seen them. I'm allowed to share them as well, so please go ahead and have a look. They make my heart flutter with joy, as it's so wonderful to see your friends so in love and so happy.

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