Monday, 31 March 2008
How Cool is School?
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Labels: crafts, make and do
Saturday, 29 March 2008
Beauty Bag Update
I have added a magnetic snap fastening to my bag. I added a small strap, attached to the rear of the bag, with one part of the magnet on that, and the other attached to the front of the bag. It certazinly makes me feel more comfortable using it around the city. Apart from that, the bag is great, very roomy and lovely!
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Labels: sewing
Friday, 28 March 2008
Carnation Sugarcraft Tutorial
Carnation Cutter (Orchard Products)
Rolling Pin
Palette Knife
Cocktail Stick
Edible glue
Flowerpaste (diamond paste and mould company) coloured to your choice
26 wire
Drying rack
Step 1. Cut wire and fold down top. Attach a bead of flowerpaste with glue. Let dry.
Step 2. Roll out flowerpaste quite thinly. Use cornflower on board to stop paste from sticking. Step 3. Cut out 3 or 4 carnations, leave for a few minutes, if sticky.

Step 6. With wire with bead on top, place on flower, fix with a small amount of glue (Too much glue and it'll go all soft and horrible). The frill is at the top.
Step 7. Run a small amount of glue on the diagonal. Fold the flower over the pea. Do the same on the other side.
Step 8. Gently pinch in base, and the frill top should fan out a bit. Gently coax out flowers.
Step 9. Hang upside down and let dry
Step 10. Repeat as many times as necessary.
Step 11. For the next layer of flower repeat steps 2 - 4. So you have a round frilled flower.
Step 12. Very thinly add a small amount of glue to the middle of the flower.

Step 14. Repeat with another 2 or 3 layers, frilling the petals as you go.

Step 16. Make leaves (long slim leaves, grass like)
Step 17. Bind together in a posy.
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Labels: make and do, sugarcraft
Thursday, 27 March 2008
Last Class of the Year
Last night was the last cake decorating class of the year, which was very sad. I've really enjoyed the classes for many reasons. Learning a new skill, which has some use to me. Meeting new people with similar interests is always good. Getting out of the house and doing something away from my family (other than my job) is a healthy thing. So it'll be a bit dull on Wednesday nights until September! Although my teacher is hopefully putting an Orchid workshop on one Saturday during June, which I'll go to. Also next year our class will be called Intermediates!!! I don't think I'm worthy of that but it's nice to have a boost!
Our last class was learning carnations which I really enjoyed. I haven't finished mine, as we had to let them dry between layers of petals, but I'll try and do a tutorial, if I have the time in the next few days!
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Labels: sugarcraft
Sunday, 23 March 2008
Trees & Bags & Things
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Labels: crafts, make and do, sewing
Saturday, 22 March 2008
Pleated Beauty Bag
Yesterday I spent the ENTIRE day making this bag. Amy does suggest in her book to do it in stages. As I have a few days to myself, I decided to take my time, relax and do it step by step, reading carefully as I go.
I started to cut out the pieces in cm, but then realised there was a big error on one of the measurements (luckily I hadn’t cut) so switched to measuring in inches! I used my new rotary cutter and mat, it was fantastic. I also used these felted weights I made in October to hold down the fabric, and they were great! I don’t think I planned on doing the embroidery when I bought the material for this bag (in about October 07!) But yesterday, with the luxury of an uninterrupted day ahead of me, I decided to do it.
I’ve never done embroidery before (at least I don’t think I have) so it was a nice introduction to a simple pattern. I copied the one in the book, as I thought it tied in with my fabric.I now have to admit, that I did not read this step properly, and did the design too low. Which I then realised after I’d embroidered it. So I redid it, and my incorrectly placed embroidery now makes up part of the lining! Part of the bag’s story!
I do wish Amy had written the dimensions on her pictures to make it clearer to silly people like me!

When it came to sewing down the top, which was where my machine had the most difficulty. Although I took my time measuring it all up, I still seem to have a few small puckers, very annoyingly.
I think I’m going to add a magnetic snap closure, I live in a city, and travel by train to get to work, I want to know that my stuff is safe!!!
But overall I am pleased. It’s a quirky individual bag, which no one else in the world has, and I’m proud of my efforts. Yet again, I’ve learned more about sewing and making things. Where I need to look out for problems and so on!

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Labels: sewing
Friday, 21 March 2008
Happy Easter!
I made these easy-peasey-lemon-squeezy chocolate nests with Cadbury's mini eggs in them.
All you need is Shreaded Wheat or Mini Shreaded Wheat and crush it, a bar of Milk Chocolate, melted. Mix the shreaded wheat into the melted chocolate, until desired texture. Put in fairy cake cases, pop 2 or 3 mini eggs on top and put in fridge. Feel successful!
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Labels: bake and do, celebrations, WIP
Thursday, 20 March 2008
Sugarcraft Primrose Tutorial
At my evening class we have been doing primroses. Here is how I've been taught to make them. Equipment:
Food colouring (primrose)
Mexican Hat Board
Primrose Flower Cutter(Medium) Orchard Products
Artist's Palette Knife
Cocktail Stick
Wooden dowelling, sharpened at one end
Non stick Board
Rolling Pin
Yellow dusting Powder
Green Food Dye
Green Dusting Powder
26 wire
Edible glue
Step 1. Dye flowerpaste to a pale yellow, with primrose food colouring
Step 2. Take a small amount of flowerpaste and roll into a cone. (Roll into a ball, then just roll and put pressure on one side to create cone)
Step 3. Put in 3rd smallest hole in Mexican Hat Mat and push in with thumb.
Step 4. Roll flowerpaste flat with either rolling pin or wooden dowelling. Make sure it is thin.
Step 5. Take flowerpaste out. Place "tail" into cutter first, down into the tube part.
Step 6. Turn cutter upside down, and place on cutting board. Cut out.
Step 7. If flowerpaste still in cutter, more than likely, then push through carefully with cocktail stick. OR like my friend Gayle, blow it out!
Step 9. With a cocktail stick, gently run over each petal, from centre to the outside, to thin the petal.
Step 10. With a 7cm piece of 26 gage wire, turn a few mm over and push the ends together. Dip into the edible glue.
Step 11. Push the wire through the flower, the hook bit at the top. Stop when just under the hole you've made with the dowel. Gently press flowerpaste so it sticks to wire. Bend flower petals as you wish to place them. Let dry.
Step 11. Once dry you can dust the flowers. Add a tiny dot of green to centre of flower, into the hole. Then dust a small circle of a darker yellow around the green dot you've just made.
Step 12. Make leaves. Colour flowerpaste to a leaf green colour.
Step 13. Roll out thinly. Use a primrose leaf cutter or oak leaf cutter (as I did)
Step 14. Lay on leaf veiner (I'm using a rose leaf veiner)
Step 15. Twizzle a small amount of flowerpaste onto 26 gage wire, roughly the length of the leaf. Lay wire on top of leaf (see below)

Step 16. Press veiner together. You now have a leaf!
Step 17. Dust with green dust and dip in glaze when dry.
Step 18. Assemble into a display, as you desire.

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Labels: sugarcraft
Monday, 17 March 2008
Easter Countdown
I haven't done much lately, but I have big plans for the 3-4 days that I should have alone over Easter.
Firstly I have some repairs.
1. Some of my earliest doorstops have not stood the test of time, due to far too much flinging around by my children. So I'm repairing 2 or 3 of them, going to add in a zip, and resew over the seams a few times to make them stronger, plus wash them!
2. A jumper that has split on a seam, resew that.
3. Repair pocket in husband's jeans.
To make:
1. Some tote bags. I want to eradicate all plastic bags from my life!
2. Amy Karol Pleated Tote bag (forgotten what it's called) Completed on 21/3/08!
3. Maybe a Betz White felted project.
4. Tidy up and sort out my office area
5. Sort out photos!!!
I'll have to see just how far along I get, but will certainly post piccies of any sewing I get done!
I cannot wait, I just hope my sewing machine doesn't bail on me!
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Labels: crafts, knitting, make and do, sewing, WIP
Saturday, 15 March 2008
Howies are in Brighton!!
Howies are in Brighton for 3 days, with a clearance sale. They go back to Cardigan Bay on Sunday! If you don't know who they are go on their website for some great stuff, mainly organic and ethically made. And always top notch quality.
I bought 1 T-Shirt, 1 Shower Proof Jacket in orange which I had been after for ages! (again what is it about orange?), 1 Pair of Jeans, 1 Jumper. This cost me just over £100. Had I paid full price it would have been £260-£300. So it was a good saving. My husband did even better, he got a coat for £50 which was originally for £200.
To be honest I wish I could pay full price for their clothes, because of the way they conduct and run their business. But I can't afford £100 for jeans! Anyway long live Howies! (will post pics later!)
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Friday, 7 March 2008
Today is my eldest's son's birthday. He is 5! I baked the cake on Wednesday night (tripled my usual chocolate sandwich cake mixture!) and baked 2 round cakes and 1 square cake.
Last night (Thursday) my husband and I started the decorating. We now have a lovely tradition in our house, of I bake and do any frosting stuff and he carves and covers the cake and does the key decorating for all the children's birthday cakes. I decided to do a cyberman cake (from Doctor Who).
So starting just past 9pm we got going. I coloured the regallice, a grey colour. Mixed together some chocolate butter cream, to stick it all together! Husband started carving the cake to get the main shape. Then I rolled the icing out, he cut it and decorated the cake. He did a great job. I then mixed up some royal icing, coloured that grey, and we used that for the eyes and mouth. I'm really really pleased with the result. We finished just before 11pm!! I do have a lot of cake left over, all cut into bits where my husband carved it out. Better to have too much than too little though!
This is the foundations of the cake.
The finished thing, more photos on flickr (click over there - >)
Then this morning the Birthday Boy was up at 5am, I got up at 6am and made gingerbread biscuits for his class mates. He wanted a #5, which I did, but my cutter is small, so I look really mean! I only had time to cut out 30, otherwise I would have done 60, so they could have had 2 each!
I'm having 6 of his friends over for an after school party. I've done the party bags (wooden compass, mini chocolate eggs, B-day cake, and a styrofoam kit aeroplane). We're eating first; cheese and jam sandwiches, veggies, breadsticks, dips, olives, hula hoops, jelly and icecream. Then some crafting, they're decoating foam crowns with foam letters and shapes inspired by here. Then some party games (pass the parcel, musical statues, sleeping tigers) Then hopefully home time! I'll be shattered. At this age, all they want is the party bag!
We bought the Birthday Boy a knight's dressing up outfit. It's pretty cool, although the sword is a danger (I'm sure it'll become part of his collection of WMD that remain on top of wardrobes for months!)
It's fantastic to be 5!!!
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Labels: bake and do, celebrations, sugarcraft
Thursday, 6 March 2008
I just saw Juno, the other night at my lovely arthouse cinema. I thought it was superb, great dialogue, great cast, great music. Came home feeling all warm and happy.
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